Best Beats

My Spotify Playlists


DC Sound Attack

A friend asked me to make him a workout mix to introduce him to metal bands and genres. Ask and ye shall receive…

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Randall Flag

Eclectic 2020 playlist crated by Randy Blythe on Apple Music

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Joe’s Top Songs of 2020

Here is the music that carried me through the stinky, raging tire fire that was 2020

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My favorite shoegaze and dreampop songs floating by like a happy little cloud

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80s etc

Come on. Who doesn’t dig the sugary, over-produced majesty of 80s pop?

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Alcest in San Diego

Here’s the setlist from Alcest’s magnificent Brick by Brick show on Feb. 8, 2017

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I love atmospheric black metal and here is an incredibly long sampler. Great for gloomy Sundays and long roadtrips

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25 Hours of Classic Rock

Exactly what it says.

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Black Metal Top Tracks

Spotify’s black metal playlist. Regularly updated.

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