In the sun-scorched wastelands of San Diego, there emerges a figure as enigmatic as a three-headed mirage: Joe Daly, the unhinged scribe of sonic madness with three decades of rock journalism under his studded leather belt. This howling maniac, since 2010, has been terrorizing the pages of Metal Hammer with sordid tales of cartwheeling mayhem, while simultaneously contributing to the likes of Classic Rock, Bass Player and even non-metal outposts such as Men's Health. A former Music Editor for a warren of faceless digital dungeons and a raving lunatic for giants like SPIN and the BBC, Daly somehow finds time between his chaotic verbal symphonies to terrorize his neighbors with unholy volumes of black metal, to batter his poor Fender P-bass into wilting submission and to whisper sweet nothings to his undoubtedly perplexed canine companions. Follow him on social media at your peril.
Joe has interviewed hundreds of artists over the past twenty-five years, including Black Sabbath, Metallica, Pantera, Slayer, Public Enemy, The Pixies, Moby, Def Leppard and a legion of European black metal and death metal outfits of whom you have almost certainly never heard.
When Joe’s not writing about himself in the third person, he additionally works as research assistant for various authors and he has served as music editor for both The Weeklings and The Nervous Breakdown. Joe is also a live music photographer who practices way too much on his two dogs. Together, they live near the beach in San Diego and when Joe’s not taunting the sun with his pasty Irish skin, you can find him at home, blasting Motörhead at neighbor-bothering volumes, beating on a perfectly good bass guitar or yelling at the television during hockey games .
Contact Joe for more info.