Mind Blown: Not All Bicyclists Are Selfish Assholes


Apparently bicyclists south of the equator are considerably different than the ones up here. On Tuesday, when a pack of Aussie cyclists rolled up on this lonely little marsupial at the side of the road in Adelaide, they pulled over to see what was up, at which point the wee koala hopped up on one of the cyclist's tires. They realized that the koala was in desperate need of water, which the stunningly-unselfish rider was only too happy to provide. At no point during the bizarre convergence of weird-looking mammals did the bicyclists blow through a stop sign, cut off the little koala bear or angrily give it the finger. Quite the opposite, they called animal services and waited with their furry new pal until the vet arrived to give it the once over. After receiving treatment from animal services, the happy and hydrated little koala was released back into the wild. There is no word as to whether, when the incident ended, the bicyclists pulled out of the bike lane and into the auto lane, riding three across and blocking traffic all the way back to town, while hysterically shrieking at drivers to share the road.Thirsty Koala


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