Blogs of Suck


Should blogs have a point?If so, then I'm already deep in the hole because I'm badly lacking any sense of theme or direction here. Thankfully I don't publish my blog on the front page of the site, so this is only for those fiendish sociopaths so dementedly obsessed with the manic ruminations of my brain that they would not only actively seek my page, but they would click on the blog sub-menu on the off chance that I actually published something. What the serious hell is that shit?And yet, here I am. I've publicly vowed to make some radical tweaks to my life (wouldn't that be a great name for two girls playing acoustic guitars and singing songs with too-clever lyrics? The Radical Tweaks!), and one of those is to blog every day for 90 days. Which, I understand, is an exceedingly ordinary mission. In fact, this is the time of year when more ambitious writers vow to write a blog a day for an entire year. If you can't get to really know somebody by reading their daily blog for a year, that would speak volumes to either their writing skills or to your mental state. Either way, 90 days is my deal- lean, mean and full of nonsense.My other goals? Every morning I'm going to meditate for one hour as soon as I wake up. This proved stunningly easy this morning, as I'm pretty sure I fell asleep at around the 40 minute point, I'm guessing. No judgment! I've been chunking out a meditation practice with some regularity over the past year, but mainly sticking to 20 minute increments. Admittedly, when I've done this regularly, I've had a ton more balance in my life, but then I get spun out on my social media compulsion, obsessively spinning through my social media apps with the single-minded focus of a lab rat pressing a lever for a hit of coke. So we'll see what an hour can do.I'm also spending an hour each morning entirely for my own creativity- no social media, just writing or some other creative aim that serves my writing. Hence this.I've also committed to cleaning out two rooms in my house. More on that tomorrow, but it has to do with Milli Vanilli.Finally, I'm going vegan on January first. As I write this, I realize how closely I resemble some google-eyed rube turning to a congregation and promising to never again shag the neighbor's milk cow. This is a lot. But as the saying goes, if you want different results, you have to do different things.As I typed that last sentence, I looked out my back window and saw a pair of these dudes. Thankfully one of my cameras was on the table. Unfortunately my settings weren't dialed in, but you get the picture.


Cassingles of Doom!


August's People Who Deserve A Good Cock-Punching